Jan 10, 2021
The First Sunday after Epiphany: “Baptism: Faith In Action”
Worship Reading from Psalm 29
Scripture Reading: Mark 1.4-11
CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Jan 10, 2021The First Sunday after Epiphany: “Baptism: Faith In Action”
    Jan 10, 2021
    The First Sunday after Epiphany: “Baptism: Faith In Action”
    Worship Reading from Psalm 29
    Scripture Reading: Mark 1.4-11
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Jan 3, 2021The Second Sunday of Christmas: “7 Questions to Ask Yourself in Preparing for 2021”
    Jan 3, 2021
    The Second Sunday of Christmas: “7 Questions to Ask Yourself in Preparing for 2021”
    Scripture Reading - Psalm 119.97-104; CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Dec 27, 2020The First Sunday of Christmas: “The Year in Review”
    Dec 27, 2020
    The First Sunday of Christmas: “The Year in Review”
    Worship Reading from Psalm 148.13; Scripture Reading - Psalm 148;
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Dec 24, 2020Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 2020
  • Dec 20, 2020The Fourth Sunday of Advent: “Which Side Are You On?”
    Dec 20, 2020
    The Fourth Sunday of Advent: “Which Side Are You On?”
    Series: Advent 2020
    Worship Reading from the Book of Worship; Scripture Reading - Psalm 89.1-4;
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Dec 13, 2020The Third Sunday of Advent: Dr. David Bowser Guest Preaching
    Dec 13, 2020
    The Third Sunday of Advent: Dr. David Bowser Guest Preaching
    Series: Advent 2020
    Worship Reading from the Book of Worship
    Scripture Reading Luke 1.46b-55
    Dr. David W. Bowser guest preaching
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Dec 6, 2020The Second Sunday of Advent: “God’s Emancipation Proclamation”
    Dec 6, 2020
    The Second Sunday of Advent: “God’s Emancipation Proclamation”
    Series: Advent 2020
    Worship Reading from the Book of Worship; Scripture Reading Psalm 85.1-2, 8-13
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Nov 29, 2020The First Sunday of Advent: “God’s Purpose in Christ”
    Nov 29, 2020
    The First Sunday of Advent: “God’s Purpose in Christ”
    Series: Advent 2020
    Scripture Reading Mark 13.24-37
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048
  • Nov 22, 2020Christ the King Sunday: “Collide”
    Nov 22, 2020
    Christ the King Sunday: “Collide”
  • Nov 15, 2020“What’s Your Story?”
    Nov 15, 2020
    “What’s Your Story?”
    Worship Reading from the Book of Worship
    Scripture Reading Romans 12.1-2
    CCLI Copyright License # 341878; Streaming License # 201048